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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                            

May 16, 2024                                                                                           


Major Corporate and Political Leaders to

Address Minority Entrepreneurs


Washington, DC –In a historic effort to substantively engage with the minority business community, several major corporate and political leaders will participate in an economic summit in Washington, DC on Wednesday, May 22, 2024. 

The event will be held at the Hilton Washington DC Capitol Hill, 525 New Jersey Ave, NW from noon until 9 p.m.  The event will begin with lunch, panel discussions, VIP reception, dinner, and a focus group/townhall meeting about Blacks and the Republican Party.

With a theme of: “A Vision for Economic Opportunity and Empowerment in the 21st Century,”

Confirmed speakers include:


Ken Langone, Co-founder of Home Depot

Scott Bessent, Founder, Key Square Group

Stephen K. Bannon, Host, War Room

Congressman Byron Donalds (FL-19)

Stephen Gilchrist, Chairman and CEO of the South Carolina African American Chamber of Commerce and a Commissioner of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights

Jennifer Carroll, former Lt. Gov. Florida

Trent Lott, Former Senate Majority Leader from Mississippi

Stephen Moore, Committee to Unleash Prosperity

Carvin Haggins, Muti-Grammy Award Winning Songwriter & Producer

Penny Pough, Music Recording Executive

Dr. John Sibley Butler, Professor Emeritus at the University of Texas at Austin and former J. Marion West Chair for Constructive Capitalism in the Graduate School of Business.


According to Raynard Jackson, Founder and Chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future, “if Republicans and conservatives can sustain this level of constructive engagement with the Black business community, the sky is the limit as to how well former President Donald Trump and down ballot Republican can do with Black voters.”





Raynard Jackson is a Pulitzer Prize nominated columnist and Founder and Chairman of Black Americans for a Better Future (BAFBF), a federally registered 527 Super PAC established to get more Blacks involved in the Republican Party.  We focus on the Black entrepreneurs.


Website:   http://www.bafbf.org/donate/



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